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华西新高中11年级英语课阅读材料:TANYA TAGAQ的Split Tooth.里面精彩片段:她和狐狸的口X描写 (水城百事)

by 匿名, Monday, February 12, 2024, 14:10

I opened the door, and he brushed past me on all fours. […] His scent penetrated me […]. My bones seemed to loosen. I couldn’t move. Then he spiralled his limber body onto a chair, sitting like a man. He had a huge black and orange cock, veiny and pulsating. I knew I had to put him in my mouth. I was feeling a mixture of revulsion and an uncontrollable tingle in my mouth, almost in itch. His cock would satisfy it. […] Blinded and dazed, I wanted to live in that sublime moment always. It’s the best I have ever felt. (Tagaq 2018, 69 f.)


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